
What is "Shav Yedaber"?


Rashi (from Shocher Tov 6): He pretends to be pained [over my illness], but while he is in front of me, he has sinful thoughts of what evil he will speak, and when he leaves, he says it.


Radak citing his father: Whether he speaks softly or harshly, it is to break my heart. E.g. one visited a Choleh, and said 'your illness is harsh to me - my father died from it!'


Malbim: If one of them tells them that they speak falsely (that I will die from my illness), when he comes to see me, to see the Emes, and he sees that I am alive, and fears lest I be cured, he plots how to kill me. When he goes outside, he tells them.


What is the meaning of "Yikbatz Aven Lo Yetzei la'Chutz Yedaber"?


Rashi (from Shocher Tov 6): While he is in front of me, he thinks about what evil he will speak, and when he leaves, he says it.


Radak: In front of me, he gathers his evil; he does not say it with his lips. When he goes outside, he tells others the evil that was gathered in his heart.


Malbim: Refer to 41:7:1:3.

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