
Why does the Torah repeat by every item "Ka'asher Tzivah Hashem es Moshe"?


Ba'al ha'Turim and Moshav Zekenim (on Pasuk 32): Since Moshe requested that Hashem erase him from the Seifer Torah, Hashem responded by repeating his name over and over again. 1 And corresponding to the eighteen times that the Torah writes here "Ka'asher (or ke'Chol asher) Tzivah Hashem es Moshe", Chazal instituted the eighteen B'rachos of the Amidah - adding Birkas ha'Minim ('ve'la'Malshinim') corresponding to the one time it writes "ka'asher Tzivah Hashem kein Asu". 2


Refer to 39:1:2:1.


Initially, Hashem accepted his request (Refer to 27:20:1:1), and made up for it here. In any event, this is a classical example of the Chazal 'Whoever runs away from Kavod, Kavod runs after him'.


Ba'al ha'Turim: In similar vein, the Gematriya of all the nineteen phrases in question - a hundred and thirteen, is equivalent to the Gematriya of all the conclusions of the B'rachos - 'Baruch Atah Hashem, MageinAvraham", 'Baruch Atah Hashem, Mechayeh ha;Meisim' ... and the hundred and thirteen words that they comprise is equivalent to the number of times the word "Leiv" is mentioned in the Torah.

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