
What is "Chatzer ha'Chitzonah"?


Radak: It is Ezras Nashim. Until now he was in Har ha'Bayis; now he entered Ezras Nashim 1 . It is called ha'Chitzonah, for it is outside Ezras Yisrael.


Vilna Gaon: The gate of the Chatzer.


Malbim: Until now he was in the gate and outside; now he entered Ezras Nashim.


What do we learn from "Saviv Saviv Sheloshim Leshachos"?


Vilna Gaon: On each gate there was a floor on both sides, with 30 chambers on it.


Malbim: The chambers were all around. We do not know how many were on each side. It cannot be that there were 30 on each side, for we explained that they occupied 34 Amos on each side (refer to 40:15:5:3). You cannot fit 30 chambers and their walls in 34 Amos! "Saviv Saviv" teaches that he saw also the floor in the north and south; the total number of chambers in all directions was 30. Ten were east of the Chatzer ? five on this side and five on this side, and 10 in the north and 10 in the south. We will explain (42:6) that the chambers had three levels ? bottom, second and third. Those on the floor were opposite Kir ha'Heichal. There were 30 upper chambers each in east, north and south. There were a total of 30 on the ground. The verse says "Sheloshim" to include both calculations.


What is "[El] ha'Ritzpah"?


Rashi, Radak: It is an Aliyah (upper story), like is proven here. Also, it was taught (Midos 2:5) 'initially, [the wall of Ezras Nashim] was Chalakah (empty). They surrounded it with a balcony. Women [stand and] see [Simchas Beis ha'Sho'evah] from above, and the men are below, lest they mix.' The chambers were on this Aliyah 1 .


Radak: This is like "Ritzpas Bahat va'Shesh" (Esther 1:6). They tile the ground with stones. Even though Ritzpah is feminine, it says "Asuy" (masculine) regarding the Binyan. El ha'Ritzpah is like Al ha'Ritzpah.


Malbim: The chambers and Ritzpah (tiled floor) were a Chatzer around [the wall of the Ulam]. The Ritzpah was higher than the rest of the ground of the Chatzer.


Radak: These chambers were not in Bayis Sheni.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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