
Why did he say Amod (masculine)?


Rashi #1: Be zealous like a male to do so.


Rashi #2: This is like La'amod (Radak -an infinitive), in place of a command (Malbim).


Why did he say "if they will ask if there is a man here"?


Malbim: It is improper to enter a woman's house when there is no man there. 1 When you say that no man is here, no stranger will enter. 2


Even if it is not forbidden due to seclusion when her husband is in the city (Kidushin 81a), it is improper. (PF)


I.e. even if they do not trust you and suspect lest I am here, amidst Safek they will not enter to check if they think that you are alone. (PF)

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