
Why does it mention standing up one who fell?


Rav Sadya Gaon: It is very hard for one who fell if no one helps him to stand.


Rashi: If one learned too much (and was not able to remember), his friend will return it to him 1 . Or, if he stumbled and was not precise about what his Rebbi said, his friend will bring him to the correct understanding.


Ibn Ezra: If one gets sick [the other will help him].


Ri Kara: If one fathers children, he will have support in his old age.


Seforno: If one errs, the other will correct him. It is not common that two make the same mistake.


Metzudas David: Even if both will fall in a bad situation, one will stand up the other.


R. Avigdor: "Cherev El ha'Badim v'No'alu" (Yirmeyah 50:36) - a sword [should come upon] haters of (a euphemism) Yisrael, who learn Bad v'Vad (alone), and they become foolish.


What is the meaning of "v'Ilo"?


Rashi: Woe to him. Ibn Ezra - "Iy 1 " is like Oy (woe). The other only place we find like this is below, "Iy Lecha Eretz" (10:16).


It seems that in the text of Ibn Ezra and Metzudas Tziyon 10:16, "v'Iy Lo" is two words. (PF)

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