
Why did she say that all Avdei ha'Melech know??


Vilna Gaon: Going to the king will harm, and not help, for it is known that anyone who goes will be killed. There is greater punishment for transgressing a known matter.


Malbim: If I go now, I will be in Safek danger, and I will not be able to request for my nation. All know the law, so I cannot say that I did not know. He will not be able to pardon me, for it is an exposed sin, like Vashti's.


Why did she say "Kol Ish v'Ishah"?


Malbim: The law includes everyone.


Why did she say "Achas Daso Lehamis"?


Malbim: Do not say that it is only for one who enters not for a need. Rather, it is even for a great need like this, to save a nation from being killed.


What is the significance of the king lifting his scepter?


Malbim: The person was Chayav Misah, just the king did Chesed and pardoned him. Even if he will save me, I will not be able to request for others!


Why did she add that she has not been called for 30 days?


R. Elazar of Garmiza, also cited in Tosfos ha'Shalem: He does not love me any more.


Vilna Gaon: Presumably, he will send for me in [a few] days. Why should I transgress his law for [saving] a few days?


Malbim: Indeed, to save people from death, one must try every means, even if they are unlikely to help. However, here there is a better way. Surely he will call me soon, and then it will be easy to request for the nation!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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