What is the significance of "Nashim Rachamaniyos Bishlu Yaldeihem [Hayu Livros]"?
Ibn Ezra: Merciful women became cruel due to hunger.
Palgei Mayim: Because they were cruel to Tzadikim, amidst great afflictions, they became cruel on their children.
Erech Apayim 3(2): [Improper] mercy can ruin children. "Chosech Shivto Sonei Vno" (Mishlei 13:24).
What is "Livros [Lamo]"?
Rav Sadya Gaon: It became for them Bros 1 .
Rashi: It is food, like "v'Lo Vara Itam Lachem", "Lehavros Es David" (Shmuel II, 12:17, 3:35).
Ri Kara: It was to give to the Seudas Havra'ah (an Avel's first meal after burial of his relative) to themselves.
Rid: It is an expression of eating, like "v'Evreh mi'Yadah" (Shmuel II, 13:6).
Magihah (in Toras Chayim): This is food and condiment mixed together. The flesh of their children was Havra'ah for their breakage.