
What is the meaning of "Pales Magal Raglecha"?


Rashi: Weigh your ways - the loss of a Mitzvah compared to its loss, and the gain of an Aveirah compared to its loss. Then, "all your ways will be established."


R. Yonah: "V'Atz b'Raglayim Chotei 1 " (19:2). There is also Peshi'ah in Midos - "u'Va'al Chemah Rav Pesha" (29:22).


Mesilas Yesharim (Perek 3): One should contemplate with his Sechel constantly, and at a time fixed for isolation, what is the true path that one must go in according to the laws of the Torah.


Malbim: Magal is the roundabout path. One who needs to veer from the Derech and go on the roundabout path until he returns to the Derech that leads to his destination. The Midah used to gauge the roundabout path needed to get to the straight path is called Pales. One must also go on the middle path, which is good in all the Midos. If sometimes one must veer from the middle path and go on a roundabout path, e.g. he veered from the middle path to one of the ends, and must go to the opposite end in order to get to the middle. E.g. he adopted the Midah of pride too much; he must go to the other extreme of excess lowliness, and accustom himself to it until he returns to the middle (humility).


R. Yonah (19:2): He rushes to do what crosses his Ru'ach, without thought and investigation.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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