
Why did he ask him what he sees?


Malbim: Via this, you will understand the first vision.


It is written va'Yomer, and we pronounce it va'Omar?


Radak: The Kesiv is the Sefer telling what happened. The pronunciation is the words of Zecharyah.


What is "Gulah Al Roshah"?


Rashi: This is like "Gulos Iliyos" (Yehoshua 15:19) ? an expression of a spring. It is a big round flask. Malbim ? from it, oil is drawn to the branches of the Menorah.


Why does "Gulah" have a Mapik (Dagesh, i.e. dot in the) Hei?


Radak: We find like this, even though it is not a feminine pronoun ? "k'Vikurah b'Terem Kayitz" (Yeshayah 28:4), "v'Sa'alumah Yotzi Ohr" (Iyov 28:11), "Gushemah b'Yom Za'am" (Yechezkel 22:24).


What are "Neroseha"?


Rashi: They are Kelim in which one puts oil and a wick.


What is the significance of seven lamps?


Radak: This is like the Menorah of the Torah. The middle lamp hints to Divinity, which connects opposites. Also the seven Kefulos 1 are opposites. The conductors in the world are opposites ? the seven Kochvei Leket, six sides (four directions, top and bottom), three planes (between opposite sides of a cube) and the seventh is a point 2 . However, the author of Sefer Yetzirah mentioned the six sides and the Heichal ha'Kodesh corresponding to the middle ? he mentioned the most honored matter in creation! Hashem showed this vision to him, to inform that He will enlighten Yisrael ? opposite to the darkness they are in now.


Malbim: The Menorah hints to Hashem's light, which illuminates the entire world, with His honor. When all go according to his light, His honor is revealed for beauty. A gold complete Menorah hints to this. The Gulah represents the supreme spring which brings His Brachah and influence to the seven lamps, i.e. the seven highest Midos in Atzeilus of Elokus, with which He conducts the world. Via the Midos He oversees, influences and brings down good oil from the supreme spring ? the river that exudes from Eden to water the garden 3 .


The letters Beis, Gimel, Dalet, Kaf, Pei, Reish and Tav are pronounced with a Dagesh unlike without a Dagesh. The Gra calls this Dagesh Rafeh. Even they (at least Beis and Pei) do not change so much. One must leave space between words that could blend one into the other, e.g. "Esev b'Sadecha", "ha'Kanaf Pesil" (below, 15b)! Other letters that receive Dagesh, it is Dagesh Chazak. It does not change the pronunciation, just it is as if the letter is doubled. (Sometimes a letter should be doubled, but instead, it receives a Dagesh, e.g. "ha'Shamah" (Vayikra 26:35, like Rashi says there).) Even though normally Reish cannot receive a Dagesh, it does in 17 places in Tanach. (PF)


E.g. in the middle of the cube. (PF)


This vision showed that in the future, the Ma'arachah, which is also a Menorah of seven lamps (Kockvei Leket), will not rule. That Menorah is not of gold ? it is a lower level. There is no Gulah in its head, for it is far from it. Its source dries up, and it lacks oil. In the future, the Tahor gold Menorah will illuminates. Hashem will influence in His Kadosh Heichal Kadosh oil to illuminates. His seven eyes will be opened ? the supreme Neros on Even ha'Roshah, and the land will illuminate from their honor.


What does "Aleha" refer to?


Radak: They are on the Menorah, and the Gulah is above them.


What are "Shiv'ah v'Shiv'ah Mutzakos"?


Rashi: For each Ner, there are seven small conduits. Oil flows from the Gulah to each Ner via the conduits. Malbim - seven conduits lead to each Ner, for each Midah encompasses all of them ? if for Chesed, if for the staff 1 , if for mercy.


Radak: For each Ner, there is one conduit. Mutzakos is an adjective in place of a verb ? they poured oil from lamp to lamp.


I.e. punishment (Din). Sidurim bring down a composite Midah for each day of Sefiras ha'Omer, e.g. Chesed sheb'Hod? (PF)

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