
Why did Hashem add the words, "When you go to return to Egypt"?


Rashi: Hashem was instructing Moshe, that a condition of his Shelichus was to go to Egypt staunch in his conviction that he would carry out all the wonders that he had to perform, without the least fear of the mighty Pharaoh.


Seforno: Now, and whenever Moshe would later return from outside the town of Egypt 1 to speak to Pharaoh, he was obligated to review all the wonders, 2 to make sure that he performs them correctly and in the right order.


Ramban: See for example, Shemos 9:29.


Refer to 4:21:4:1.


Moshe did not perform those wonders mentioned earlier (4:2-9) before Pharaoh, but rather before Yisrael! If so, which wonders is this Pasuk referring to; and which wonders was Moshe 'holding in his hand'?


Rashi and Ramban #1: Refer to 4:17:3:1 and its note, and 4:17:3:2. 1


Ramban #2: Hashem is actually commanding Moshe to perform the three wonders that he would perform in front of the elders of Yisrael, in front of Pharaoh as well. 2


Ramban #3 citing Midrash Rabah: This is referring to the ten plagues, that were written on Moshe's staff, in the form of the acronym De'tzach, A'dash Be'achav.


Moshe was 'holding them in his hand,' in the sense that Hashem had taught them to him in advance. The Ramban also explains "in your hand" to mean that Hashem had appointed Moshe as the sole perpetrator of the miracles that He was about to bring about on Pharaoh. This explains why He warned Pharaoh now, before the act, as well as briefing him at the time that each plague fell due.


Ramban: Which he did, even though the Torah does not record it.


Why did Hashem say "va'Asisam Lifnei Pharaoh," as if it was an independent statement, rather than 'La'asosam Lifnei Pharaoh' - as the conclusion of the previous statement?


Seforno: If Moshe would fulfill Hashem's command to the letter, then he would 'do them before Pharaoh' successfully - but not if he changed even the smallest detail. 1


Seforno: As we find by Mei Merivah, when Moshe struck the rock instead of speaking to it. And it is for the same reason that regarding the fulfillment of the Mitzvos, Hashem warned against adding to the Mitzvos or subtracting from them.


What are the ramifications of the phrase, "Va'Ani Achazeik Es Libo... "?


Rashi (to 7:3) 1 and Seforno: Under normal circumstances, due to the force of the Makos, he would have sent Yisrael away immediately - not because he submitted to Hashem, but because he was afraid of the Makos. 2


Ramban: Hashem was instructing Moshe here to fulfill every detail of the wonders that he was about to bring on Pharaoh to the letter, and not to become frustrated when Hashem hardened Pharaoh's heart and he obstinately refused to submit.


Refer to 7:3:1:1 and 7:3:2:1.


Seforno: Which is not genuine Teshuvah. See Shemos 10:3.


Why did Hashem harden Pharaoh's heart; and on what grounds did He then continue to punish him?


Refer to 7:3:1.



Rashi writes: "[See all the wonders] I have placed in your hand, [and perform them before Pharaoh] - [This can] not [be referring to] the three signs mentioned above (4:2-9), for [Moshe] was not commanded to perform them before Pharaoh, but rather before Yisrael! ...." Why, in fact, would Moshe perform only one wonder before Pharaoh (7:8-13)?


Maharal: Refer to 4:6:2.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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