
Why is this called Tefilah? He merely complained!


Radak: He asked Hashem to kill him (3); he prefaced his complaint.


What was "Devari"?


Rashi: I knew that if they will repent, You will not destroy them, and they will think that I am a liar.


Radak: It is what I thought and said in my heart. I feared lest they repent and You will retract the evil, and this will cause evil to Yisrael.


What is the meaning of "Ad Heyosi"?


Radak: When I was still 1 . The same applies to "Od Zeh Medaber" (Iyov 1:16).


Malbim: When I was still in Eretz Yisrael, before I came to Ninveh.


Why did he say "[Al Ken] Kadamti Livro'ach"?


Radak: I fled before Your Nevu'ah would come about this a second time.


Malbim: If I thought that they will repent properly, I would not have refused Your mission to return them from their error. It is only because I knew that even if they persist to serve idolatry, You will not destroy them.


What do we learn from "Ki Kel Rachum v'Chanun... v'Nicham Al ha'Ra'ah"?


Malbim: You do not intend to bring the decree, amidst Your Midos of grace and slow to anger, and You will retract even if they do not repent properly. They did not repent from idolatry, and You retracted! You canceled the decree for a flimsy reason.

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