
What is the meaning of "u'Fratzim Tetzenah Ishah Negdah"?


Rashi: You will leave to flee via the breaches in the wall. Each will leave in the breach she finds opposite her, like "v'Alu ha'Am Ish Negdo" (Yehoshua 6:5). There will be many breaches in the wall ? they will not need to seek openings!


Why does it say "v'Hishlachtenah ha'Harmonah"?


Rashi: You will cast off your pride and authority that you took. This is Arame'ic. We find Harmana d'Malka (the king's command).


Targum Yonasan: They will exile you past the mountains of Charminei. Rashi ? these are the dark mountains. Charminei is an expression of destruction.


Radak: This is like ha'Armonah; the Hei is in place of an Aleph. My father explained, you will cast off the palace next to the wall, and leave, like Tzidkiyah did when he fled from Yerushalayim.


Malbim: You will be sold to the Harmon ? a place that houses women, concubines and harlots. When they go to the buyers, a lewd Zonah will go out to receive her, like they receive disgraced Zonos. You will be cast to the Harmon to be designated for Zenus and [to serve as a] Shifchah. You will be cast disgracefully.

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