
Why does it say "Im Zonah Atah Yisrael"?


Rashi #1: Yehudah should not learn their way.


Rashi #2: If Yisrael is a Zonah, do not blame Yehudah. They are not liable; I will not punish them ? "v'Es Beis Yehudah Arachem" (1:7).


Radak: If you, Yisrael, are a Zonah and go after the calves, do not blame Yehudah. They have the Beis ha'Mikdash ? why should they go after idolatry 1 ?!


Malbim: Since Yisrael (Efrayim) are Mezanah and stray from Hashem, we must ensure that Yehudah not learn from them.


Even if they did not have the Mikdash, is it wrong not to follow idolatry?! (PF)


Who should not come to Gilgal, and why?


Rashi: Bnei Yehudah should not go there, for there the 10 tribes serve idolatry ? "Kol Ra'asam ba'Gilgal" (9:15), "ha'Gilgal Harbu Lifsho'a" (Amos 4:4).


Radak: Yehudah should not go. The Mishkan was in Gilgal when Yisrael first entered Eretz Yisrael. Therefore, when they went to serve idolatry, they built there Bamos to idolatry. Why should Yehudah abandon the Beis ha'Mikdash to go to Gilgal?!


Malbim: Yehudah should not go. I mentioned above that when Hoshe'a began prophesizing, Malchus Yehudah was submissive under Malchus Efrayim, until Uziyah's 24th year. Bnei Yehudah did not serve idolatry, but they came to Arei Yisrael. The Navi warns them against the cities of the calves and where they served idolatry (Gilgal and Beis Aven) ? "Bo'u Veis Kel u'Fish'u ha'Gilgal Harbu Lifsho'a" (Amos 4:4), "ba'Gilgal Shevarim Zibechu" (below, 12:12), lest they learn from their deeds. Both of these places were on Yehudah's border; they used to go there.


Where is "Beis Aven"?


Rashi: It is Beis Kel, where Yaravam set up calves (Melachim I, 12:32). Radak ? for disgrace, it is nicknamed Beis Aven. Yakov called it Beis Kel, due to the vision he saw there; Kel appeared to him. After Yaravam put a calf there, Nevi'im called it Beis Aven, for the calf is Shav (worthless) and Aven (a sin). It says "Ta'alu", for it was elevated ? "Olim El ha'Elokim Beis Kel" (Shmuel I, 10:3). Also Beis Aven was near Beis Kel 1 and Ai. I say so only about Beis Kel where the calf was. Also Yonason translates Beis Kel.


Radak said that Beis Aven is a nickname for Beis Kel! Below he implies that there were two places called Beis Kel. Also R. Bechayei (Bereishis 28:3) says so, but he says that Yakov called Yerushalayim Beis Kel. Radak disagrees, for he says that Yaravam put a calf there ? the calf was lest people of the 10 tribes go to Yerushalayim! (PF)


Why should they not swear "Chai Hashem"?


Rashi: Do not swear with (like) them ?"v'Im Chai Hashem Yomeru Lachen la'Sheker Yishave'u" (Yirmeyah 5:2). When they swore falsely, they mentioned Hashem's name. When they swore Emes, they swore in the name of the Ba'alim.


Radak: They serve idolatry. When they swear in Hashem's name, it angers and disgraces Him.


Malbim: You, Yehudah, swear in Hashem's name. In Gilgal and Beis Kel, they swear in the name of the Ashmah (idolatry) of Shomron, for they do not mention Hashem's name. You must not do so ? therefore, do not go there!

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