What is the meaning of "Im Rachatz"?
Rashi: When He will wash. Sometimes "Im" means 'Ki', e.g. "Im Yeval'enu mi'Mekomo" (Iyov 8:18), "Ad Im Kilu Lishtos" (Bereishis 24:19) [Radak - and "v'Hayah Im Ba El Eshes Achiv" (Bereishis 38:9), "v'Im Yihyeh ha'Yovel" (Bamidbar 36:4), "v'Im Takriv Minchas Bikurim" (Vayikra 1:14) and similar verses. What was said above will be when Hashem will wash
What is "Tzo'as"?
Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Tag'alas (the repugnance), i.e. He will remove their sin via afflictions and eradication from the world.
Radak: It is filth and excrement. It is a metaphor for the evil deeds of Tziyon now. They will not be then - "Az Asir mi'Kirbech Alizi Ga'avasech
What is "Yadi'ach"?
Rashi: It is an expression of washing, in Mishnayos, and also in Tanach - "v'Sham Yadichu Es ha'Olah" (Yechezkel 40:38). Radak - it is the same as Rachatz; The matter is repeated in different words. Also Demei is like Tzo'as; also refer to 4:4:5:2.
What is "b'Ru'ach Mishpat"?
Rashi: It is via afflictions. He will have a desire to judge them.
Radak: "Ru'ach" is put next to an expression of washing, to teach that no filth of sin will remain, just like wind dries a matter.
Radak, based on Targum Yonasan: "Ru'ach" is like "uv'Ru'ach Sefasav" (11:4) and "uv'Ru'ach Piv" (Tehilim 3:6); Targum Yonasan is b'Meimar (with His word).
Malbim: Hashem will judge everyone according to his deeds. After the Resha'im are separated, a Ru'ach (desire) will eradicate them.
What is the meaning of "uv'Ru'ach Ba'er"?
Rashi: To eradicate them from the world. "Ba'er" is like Leva'er. It is a Pa'ul conjugation.
Radak: Ba'er is like Mishpat. Hashem will no longer delay judging the Resha'im; evil will be eradicated, and nothing will remain from it.
Malbim: Refer to 4:4:4:4.