
Which day is this?


Rashi (8,9): It is the day of [death of] Yoshiyah. Even though above it discusses Nebuchadnetzar and the Churban, now it discusses Yoshiyah's death.


Malbim: It is when Nebuchadnetzar will come.


Why does it say "Yovad Lev ha'Melech v'Lev ha'Sarim"?


Radak: Normally, the king and the officers strengthen the nation's heart when the enemy comes. They will lose their heart (courage) and be confounded when the great destruction comes. The king is Tzidkiyah.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They will lose their prudence and understanding - "Yismahu".


Malbim: Normally, in war, the king and officers prepare strategy and Gevurah for war, the Kohanim pray in the Mikdash and Nevi'im ask Devar Hashem. On that day, the king and officers will not find strategy and Gevurah for war.


What is the meaning of "v'Nashamu ha'Kohanim"?


Radak: The Kohanim, i.e. priests of the Bamos, do not know what to do, for their Avodah is Batel.


Malbim: The Kohanim will be confounded (not know what to do, e.g. pray in the Mikdash).


What is the reason for "Yismahu"?


Rashi (from Eichah Rabah 1:18): They are astounded why [Yoshiyah was killed]. They do not know that his generation did not repent properly. When [Sheluchim of] Yoshiyah came to eradicate idolatry, scoffers of the generation carved images of idolatry on the inside of the doors, half on each door. When the doors were opened, the image was not recognized. After the Sheluchim left, [the resident] closed the door and the image was connected.


Radak: The Nevi'im, i.e. the false Nevi'im, are confounded because their prophecies to the nation of Shalom were Sheker.


Malbim: The Nevi'im will not know what to answer, for they promised Shalom.

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