
How did he see the land?


Radak: It was via Nevu'ah.


What is "Sohu va'Vohu"?


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: It is desolate and empty. Since it is desolate, and people do not dwell on it, it is like Sohu va'Vohu, at the beginning of creation - "veha'Aretz Haysah Sohu va'Vohu" (Bereishis 1:2).


Malbim: The Navi illustrates Churban of all existence, and the entire creation that came into being in the six days of Creation. First he illustrates Churban of Shamayim va'Aretz in general, like they were arranged in the first two days of Creation. The first day, Ru'ach Elokim began to hover over the land, which was Sohu va'Vohu and covered with water.


What is the meaning of "v'El ha'Shamayim"?


Radak: This is like v'Es ha'Shamayim. Similarly, "Asaperah El Chok" (Tehilim 2:7) is like Asaperah Es Chok. "Va'Yirdefu El Midyan" (Shoftim 7:25) is like va'Yirdefu Es Midyan, and similar verses.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: I looked towards Shamayim.


Why does it say that there was no light?


Radak: All this is a metaphor, as if Shamayim darkened, the mountains made noise, the hills were ruined and birds departed (verses 24-25).


Malbim: On the second and third day the dry land came into being via separation of the water, and then there were mountains and hills above the water - "Ya'alu Harim Yerdu Veka'os El Mekom Zeh Yasadta Lahem" (Tehilim 104:8).

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