
What is the meaning of "Ein Kol v'Ein Kashev"?


Radak: The boy did not answer, and did not hear. Had he heard, if he could not answer, he would have moved or gestured with his eyes or hands.


Why did he say "Lo Hekitz"?


Radak #1: This expression is used for Techiyas ha'Mesim - "Hakitzu v'Ranenu Shochnei Afar" (Yeshayah 26:19).


Radak #2: This is like I explained (refer to Melachim I, 17:17:3:1-2 and the note there) about the boy that Eliyahu 'revived'. (He almost died; no breathing or pulse remained.) Nidah (70b) says that he was not Metamei, for a Mes is Metamei; a Chai is not Metamei 1 .


Malbim: Elisha [and Gechazi] thought that he merely fainted, for Hashem had not told him [that he died].


Radak explains that the question was about before he was revived. Rashi there explains that it was about after he was revived. (PF)


Elisha thought that the staff would revive him. Why didn't it?


Rashi (29): Gechazi did not do as commanded. To anyone who asked, he relied 'I am going to revive a Mes!'


Radak (29, citing Pirkei d'R. Eliezer 32/33): The matter was a mockery in Gechazi's eyes. He said to those who encountered him 'do you believe that this staff will revive the Mes?!'


Malbim (29): Refer to 4:31:2:2.

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