Why does it say "v'Yatz'u"?
Malbim: Until now, they did not need to go out to war. Now they will go out to the spoils.
What is the meaning of "v'Hisiko"?
Rashi: This is like 'an oven that Hisikuhu' (Shabbos 38b; they heated it). Malbim ? they will not need weapons, for Hashem fights for them! They will burn the wood of the weapons for heating and baking. There will be so much that it will suffice for them for seven years.
Radak: It is a repetition of "u'Vi'aru" (they burned).
What is "Neshek"?
Rashi: It is weapons.
Why does the verse list all of these weapons?
Malbim: All of them will be Batel ?"v'Chitesu Charvosam l'Itim? Lo Yisa Goy El Goy Cherev" (Yeshayah 2:4).