
What is "Nefugosi"?


Rashi: I was switched. This is like "va'Yafeg Libo" (Bereishis 45:26), "me'Ein Hafugos" (Eichah 3:49).


Radak: I became soft and weak. This is like "va'Yafeg Libo" (Bereishis 45:26), 'Kedei she'Tafug Tzinasan' (Yuma 31b).


Why did he say "Sha'agti mi'Nahamas Libi"?


Radak: I roared and screamed due to my heart's groaning over my illness and afflictions.


Malbim: He depicts himself as if he reached death's door. He is Goses; his Nefesh is ready to leave. At the moment that the Nefesh leaves, all bodily powers gather to the heart, which dies last. It is surrounded by all the 'soldiers' and bodily powers; it is like a lamp that flames up before it extinguishes. The heart makes its last groan, and all matters of its life pass in front of it, as it prepares to go to the next world. Sha'agah connotes Simchah; at this awesome moment, hope was renewed in him.

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