
What is the question "ha'Atah Hu"?


Rashi: Then, Hashem will say 'are you the same one whom I spoke [about?]?'


Malbim: In those days, the name of Gog and Magog will have been forgotten. People will not know which nation and king they refer to. However, when he will come to the land and the Navi's words will be fulfilled, people will know that he is Gog that the Nevi'im discussed.


Which Nevi'im prophesized about him?


Rashi: Yechezkel and Zecharyah. Also Zecharyah prophesized about the war of Gog and Magog ? "v'Asafti Es Kol ha'Goyim?" (Zecharyah 14:2). Radak ? even though Zecharyah did not explicitly mention Gog and Magog, "Hine Yom Ba" (Zecharyah 14:1) refers to this war.


Rashi citing Sanhedrin 17a: Eldad and Meidad. Do not read Shanim, rather, Shenayim ? two Nevi'im who prophesized one Nevu'ah at the same time (but in different words).


What do we learn from "ba'Yamim ha'Hem Shenayim"


Refer to 38:17:2:2.


Malbim: They prophesized about your many years ? their prophecies were repeated many times. Gog will come two or three times, like Chazal said.

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