
Why does the verse specify "Sheva u'Dedan v'Socharei Tarshish"?


Malbim: These merchants trade silver, gold and gems in Eretz Yisrael. We find in the Nevu'ah of Tzor (27:12, 22 1 ) that this was their trade.


There it says that Tarshish traded silver, iron, tin and lead, Sheva traded fragrances, gems and gold, and Dedan "b'Vigdei Chofesh l'Richbah" (27:20). This requires investigation. (PF)


What are "Kefireha"?


Rashi: They are sharp merchants in it. They regularly go out quickly like young lions to all lands, and know what place is rich.


Radak: They are its kings and officers. This is like "Kefir Goyim Nidmeisa" (32:2). It is called Kefir for a Mashal, just like a lion is king over all other Chayos. Also Yonason translates 'its kings.'


What is the question "ha'Lishlol Shalal Atah?"?


Rashi: Who told you the rich place? Do you know that the land is full of spoils ? go there, and you will find great wealth!


Malbim: Did you come to plunder, or like a merchant, to bring silver and gold and buy merchandise? Refer to 38:13:4:1, 38:13:5:1.


Why does it mention "Shalal" and "Baz"?


Malbim: Shalal is what remains automatically at the time of war. It belongs to the king ? "Zeh Shelal David" (Shmuel I, 30:20). Bizah is what each soldier takes for himself. Therefore, it says "ha'Lavoz Baz Hikhalta Kehalecha", for it pertains to the Kahal.


Why does it conclude "Lishlol Shalal Gadol"?


Malbim: Also if you came like a merchant, to buy with money, you will make great profit, which is called Shalal ? "Batach Bah Lev Ba'alah v'Shalal Lo Yechsar" (Mishlei 31:11). It is as if they scoff, like one who is unsure why you came to a nation of merchants that has no [squabbles] with anyone ? did you come to plunder, or like a merchant, who sells and buys?

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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