
What is "ha'Bor Malkiyahu"?


Rashi, Targum Yonasan: It is Malkiyahu's pit. Radak - even though it is Samuch, it has the prefix Hei ha'Yedi'ah (to identify), like "ha'Am ha'Milchamah", "ha'Aron ha'Bris" (Yehoshua 8:11, 3:14) and similar verses.


Why did they send him with ropes?


Radak: They lowered him, for the pit was deep 1 .


They did not want to push him in, for that is overt murder. Also Yosef's brothers did not want to overtly kill him (Bereishis 37:27), even though they held that he is Chayav Misah. (PF)

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