
What is "Bris Shalom"?


Malbim: This includes (a) Shalom between Hashem and Yisrael, that they will not sin again, and He will not hide His face from them, (b) Shalom within the nation, and (c) everyone will have Shalom of body, Nefesh and property.


Why does it say "[Yihyeh] Osam"?


Radak: It means Imam (with them). Sometimes it means Im, even without a Dagesh (Osam, as opposed to Itam. ? PF)


What is the meaning of "u'Nesatim"?


Radak #1: I will put them in My land.


Radak #2: I will put them in My Brachah. Yonason translates 'I will bless them'


Malbim: I will give to them the Bris Shalom ? "Hineni Nosen Lo Es Brisi Shalom" (Bamidbar 25:12). A Bris given is unlike a Bris Nichras. The latter obligates both sides; the former obligates only the giver to fulfill the Bris without any stipulation. This is like it says about Pinchas "v'Haysah Lo ul'Zar'o Acharav Bris Kehunas Olam" (ibid. 13).


What is the significance of "v'Hirbeisi Osam v'Nasati Es Mikdashi b'Socham"?


Malbim: This is like it says "v'Hayah Ki Sirbu u'Frisem ba'Aretz ba'Yamim ha'Hemah? Lo Yomeru Od Aron Bris Hashem; ? ba'Es ha'Hi Yikre'u li'Yrushalayim Kisei Hashem" (Yirmeyah 3:16-17). When Yisrael increase exceedingly, the Shechinah is on Yisrael, and they do not need the Kedushah of the Aron and the Mikdash. The Kedushah of the Mikdash depicts that Hashem and His Shechinah constrict to a small place, between the staves of the Aron. This shows the love between Him and Yisrael, like it says in Sanhedrin. For the Shechinah to be on Yisrael, that they will be the Merkavah for His Shechinah, demonstrates a great level of Yisrael. 1


Sanhedrin 7a, partially cited in Malbim: A certain man said 'when I loved my wife, we could both fit on the blade of a sword. Now that our love has waned, a bed 60 Amos wide does not suffice.' We learn this from the Mishkan - "v'Dibarti Itecha me'Al ha'Kapores." /the Beis ha'Mikdash was 30 Amos tall; after Yisrael sinned, the Shechinah did not dwell there.

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