
Why did they say "Ki Shom'im Anachnu"?


Rashi: We know Aramis. Do not speak Yehudis (Leshon ha'Kodesh), which the entire nation understands. They are afraid due to your words!


Why did they think that Ravshake would agree to speak Aramis? Did he not want to scare the people?!


Rashi: Ravshake was a Yisrael Mumar. They thought that Sancheriv ordered him to tell this to Chizkiyah, but Ravshake has mercy on his own nation and does not intend to scare them.


Malbim: They thought that the reason they came is so Chizkiyah will cease to fortify the wall and prepare for war, and return to pay taxes, and Ashur will leave. The Shelichus is primarily to tell the king, so there will be Shalom 1 !


Divrei ha'Yamim II, 32:18: "They spoke loudly, in Yehudis

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