
What is the significance of the double expression " ... Kol Ish asher Nesa'o Libo ve'Chol asher Nadvah Rucho oso"?


Ramban: "Nesa'o Libo" refers to those who suddenly discovered that they were capable of doing the necessary work for the Mishkan, even though they had never learned it, and who felt a sudden urge to volunteer, whereas "Nadvah Rucho Oso" refers to those who donated towards it. 1


Targum Yonasan: "Nesa'o Libo" refers to those who willingly donated towards the Mishkan, whereas "Nadvah Rucho 2 Oso" refers to the Chachamim who were suddenly filled with a spirit of prophesy - which enabled them to do the work without any previous experience. 3


Refer also to 31:2:1:1.


As in Pasuk 31 (Peirush Yonasan).


See Na'ar Yonasan.


What is the difference between "Meleches Ohel Mo'ed" and "Kol Avodaso"?


Rashbam: "Meleches Ohel Mo'ed" refers to the curtains that covered the Mishkan and the Paroches, and "Kol Avodaso", to the curtains that surrounded the Chatzer and the holy vessels.

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