
What is the meaning of "Temoses Rasha Ra'ah"?


Rashi: The evil that a Rasha does, it kills him.


Radak: The evil that a Rasha plans to do to a Tzadik, that evil will kill him - "va'Yipol b'Shachas Yif'al" (7:16).


Malbim: His problem is intrinsic to his primary limb; it causes his death.


What is the meaning of "Yeshamu"?


Radak: It is an expression of Shemamah (desolation), like "Tesham Shomron" (Hoshe'a 14:1). Ashem and Shemam are the same matter.


Sha'arei Teshuvah (4:13): Hashem's enemies are killed due to one Aveirah, and the rest of their Aveiros remain on their Nefesh. Malbim - they remain guilty after death (it did not atone for them), and their Nefesh is cut off in the world to come.

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