
Why are Yisrael called "Tzoni"?


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: You are My nation that My name is called on you.


What do we learn from "Adam Atem"?


Radak citing Yevamos 61a: The graves of Nochrim do not have Tum'as Ohel (they are not Metamei what towers above them. Regarding Tum'as Ohel it says "Adam Ki Yamus b'Ohel." You (Yisrael) are called Adam, but Nochrim are not.


Rashi: You are not like animals in My eyes.


Radak: When you will be My flock, I will graze you with De'ah, Binah and Haskel. Then, you will be called Adam, and not flock and animals. When man is enticed to worldly desires, he is an animal, and not a man. Physically man is like an animal. He and his donkey eat from one trough. However, when will come the good that Hashem designated for us, "Ki Mal'ah ha'Aretz De'ah Es Hashem" (Yeshayah 11:9) and the other good matters ? to love Him, serve Him with a full heart and engage in intellectual matters. Then he is called Adam, for the human side of him is recognized and unlike an animal.


Malbim: You were elevated over your previous status, like the elevation of speakers (people) over Chai (animals). So the level of one who serves Hashem is above people [who do not].

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