In what unique way was the land of Yosef blessed?
Rashi: None of the lands of the tribes was as full of all kinds of good things as that of Yosef. 1
Ramban: Refer to 33:14:2:2*.
Hadar Zekenim: It produced abundant fruit to suffice for its numerous inhabitants. 2
Refer also to 33:15:1:1. Oznayim la'Torah: 'Midah Keneged Midah' - because he sustained his brothers, and many nations during the seven years of famine.
Like it says in Yehoshua, 17:14. "va'Ani Am Rav."
What is the meaning of "Mevoreches Hashem Artzo"?
Rashi: It means that his land is blessed by Hashem'.
Seforno: It means that Yosef's portion of Yosef is naturally blessed.
What are the connotations of "mi'Meged Shamayim mi'Tal"?
Rashi and Ramban #1: It means (that the land of Yosef is blessed) from the sweet delights (or delicacies) of the heaven's dew.
Ramban #2: It means that the land will be blesed from the fruits 1 of the heaven - the dew.
Targum Onkelos: It means tht his land 'will produce sweet fruits from the dew of the heavens above'; Seforno
Since "Meged" is another word for fruit'. See Ramban, who elaborates.
What is the meaning of "u'mi'Tehom Rovetzes Tachas"?
Rashi and Ramban: 'And from the waters of the deep that crouches beneath'
Ramban: in the form of springs and streams that flow in the valleys and on the mountains. This is similsr to the B'rachah that Ya'akov blessed Yosef - Se Vay'chi Bereishis, 49:28.
Rashi: Moshe's B'rachos of all the tribes are similar to those of Ya'akov
Why was Yosef's land blessed more than that of his brothers'?
Hadar Zekenim: Hashem cursed the land because Adam ha'Rishon did not overcome his Yeitzer ha'Ra, and ate from Eitz ha'Da'as. Therefore He blessed the land of Yosef, who overcame his Yeitzer ha'Ra.
Rosh, Riva and Moshav Zekenim: Hashem cursed the land because Adam listened to his wife, and ate from the Eitz ha'Da'as whereas Yosef did not heed his master's wife's ddemands. 1
Moshav Zekenim (citing Zevachim 118b): Yosef's eye did not want to enjoy what was not his (Potifar's wife), therefore Kodshim Kalim could be eaten (in his portion) anywhere within sight [of Shilo] - which is not the case with Yerushalayim.