What is the meaning of "Nashamu Mesilos"?
Radak: The paths are desolate due to the enemy; visitors do not pass.
Malbim: Also the sides of the road are desolate.
Who annulled a Bris?
Rashi: The enemy annulled its Bris with Yisrael (Malbim - Chizkiyah).
Radak citing his father: Yisrael said that Hashem already annulled His Bris with us and despised our city - the opposite of "Einei Hashem Elokecha Bah" (Devarim 11;12).
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: [Yisrael] annulled their Bris [with Hashem]. This is why the roads are desolate.
What is the meaning of "Ma'as Arim"?
Rashi: Everyone that he hated was despised in his eyes. He did not consider him human.
Malbim: The enemy does not want cities to remain at all to pay taxes.
Why does it say "Lo Chashav Enosh"?
Rashi: They did not consider us to be anything.
Malbim: They do not intend to leave over even the poor to be "Chormim v'Yogvim" (Yirmeyah 52:16; refer to Yirmeyah 52:16:2:1-2, 52:16:3:1-3). Rather, they destroy everything.