
What was Esav asking this time (Refer to 33:5:1:1)?


Rashi #1: This time, he was inquiring about the purpose of the groups of animals that Yaakov had sent him. 1


Rashi #2: He was referring to the groups of angels that he had met, who had manhandled him and his men, and when his men said that he was Esav, the angels set about beating him up, 2 and persisted even after his men said that he was the son of Yitzchak and the grandson of Avraham, and relented only when his men said that he was Yaakov's brother. 3


Ramban: Assuming 4 that the groups of animals must belong to Yaakov (since there was nobody else whose they could have been), or because one of the groups of messengers had spoken with the people in his camp, he now asked Yaakov to which important dignitary he was sending such a fine gift. 5


Malbim: He was asking if the gift was to atone for sin. One who sins against the king sends a gift to appease him, and only after the king is appeased, he himself sees the king. It must be a big gift for the receiver, or for the giver. If an Oni gives all he has, it is accepted even if it is small with respect to the king. Yaakov answered that indeed, it was to atone for my sin against you.


Whether they were to honor him, or because Yaakov thought that he needed it (Seforno). See Sifsei Chachamim.


Oznayim la'Torah (DH 'va'Yomer, Mi Lecha ...'): Yaakov nevertheless replied "Limtzo Chein b'Einei Adoni!", because the fighting man that Esav was, he only respected people who were strong-armed like himself.


No doubt, this was meant to soften him up before his meeting with Yaakov and served as a warning to desist from attacking him. (EC) Refer to 33:4:1:1. See Oznayim la'Torah (DH 'Mi Lecha ... ') as to why Lavan sufficed with a warning that came in a dream to leave Yaakov alone, whereas Esav needed a good beating.


Refer to 33:8:2.


Ramban: To which Yaakov replied that he (Esav) was the important dignitary.



Rashi writes that Esav asked about the gift that Yaakov had sent him. Why did he not clarify this when the messengers came to him?


Ramban: Because he declined to receive them; or because, in his arrogance and anger, he refused to meet them, 1 and they, for their part, were afraid to approach him.


Gur Aryeh: Esav did not believe them.


Refer to 32:8:2:2.


Rashi writes: "Who is the camp that I met, that it is yours? I.e. what is it for?" What does Rashi explain this way?


Gur Aryeh: The word "Lecha" seems not to fit. Rashi must explain that Esav was asking, 'I know they are yours, but in what way? Are they your sons, your messengers, or somehow otherwise yours?' 1


Compare to 33:5:1.1:1, and the note there.


Rashi writes: "In other words, what [was that camp] for?" Why does Rashi add this?


Gur Aryeh: The messengers had already told Esav their objective; that they came to deliver Yaakov's gift to Esav (32:19). Esav must mean that he did not believe this; he declared it unnecessary.


Rashi writes: "According to the Midrash, Esav had encountered bands of angels who roughed him up...." Why does Rashi cite this Midrash as well?


Gur Aryeh: The messengers conveying the gift had already told Esav their objective, why would Esav ask again about this? Rather, Esav was asking about a different group the angels he had encountered.


Rashi writes: " According to the Midrash, Esav had encountered bands of angels, who shoved him and his men... and threatened to hit him...." If so, how do we understand Yaakov's response - "To find favor in my master's eyes"?!


Gur Aryeh: Yaakov was saying that when the angels declared that they would leave Esav be, only because he is the brother of Yaakov, they were showing him Yaakov's important stature, so that he might find favor in Esav's eyes.


Oznayim la'Torah: Refer to 33:8:1:2*.

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