
What is the question "mi'Mi Na'amta?


Rashi: Were you more pleasant than other idolaters?! Also you will descend to the pit and lie there.


Radak: You think that you are pleasant and beautiful. All multitudes of Goyim who expect to overpower and remain in their beauty, they will descend from their level, and you expect to remain?!


Malbim: From whom are you more pleasant and important, that you do not want to descend? "Descend and lie with the Arelim!"


Why does it say "Redah v'Hashkevah Es Arelim"?


Radak: Descend, like they descended, and lie with Arlei Lev and Resha'im of the multitudes of Goyim in the grave. Hashkevah is Makor (like a gerund), with an extra Hei. The subject is omitted; it is not a command.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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