Why does the Torah add the word "Hein Karvy Yamecha Lamus"?
Da'as Zekenim #1, Hadar Zekenim and Ba'al ha'Turim: When Moshe complained that "Hein" was the very same word that he used to praise Hashem, 1 Hashem reminded him that it was also the very same word he used to sin against Him, when .he said 2 "Hein Lo Ya'aminu li!"
Da'as Zekenim #2 and Rosh #2: "Hein" is a good Midah
See Devarim 10:14.
In Sh'mos, 4:1.
AS the Torah writes in Vezos Haberachah 34:10 "ve'Lo Kam be'Yisrael ke'Moshe".
What are the implications of "Hein Karvu Yamecha Lamus"?
Targum Yonasan: The Torah uses this expression about three people who did not reach the age of their fathers, and each appointed a leader as his successor - Ya'akov Avinu, David ha'Melech 1 and Moshe ha'Navi. Moshe appointed Yehoshua.
Mo'ed Katan, 28a: Five days illness before one dies is the lot of most people - "Hein" 2 = one; "Karvu" = two; "Yamecha" = two. 3
Ya'akov appointed Yosef, and David appointed Shlomoh (See Na'ar Yonasan. What did Ya'akov do to appoint Yosef; Hashem made him king?
Since when did Yehoshua accompany Moshe to the Ohel Mo'ed?
Sotah, 13b: It was the Shabbos 1 where both Moshe and Yehoshua were leaders - the mantle of leadership was taken from Moshe and placed on Yehoshua.
Moshe died on a Shabbos, as is well-known. See Torah Temimah,note 18.
What did Hashem command Yehoshua?
Rashi: He did not actually command him; 1 He imbued him with zealousness.
See Sifsei Chachamim.
Why did Moshe first speak to Yisrael? Why did he not call Yehoshua immediately?