
When will David sing?


Radak: After You will do Chesed and save me from them. I will not fear them again.


Why did he say "Ra'isa Es Onyi"?


Radak: You saw and turned to me, to remove me from my affliction. You did not hide Your eyes from me. This is like "Ra'o Ra'isi Es Oni Ami" (Shemos 3:7).


Malbim: Verse 9 explains this - "v'Lo Hisgartani b'Yad Oyev", i.e. when he was in Ke'ilah, Hashem did not hand him over to Sha'ul.


Why did he say "Yadata b'Tzaros Nafshi"?


Radak: You knew when my soul was afflicted. You supervise to benefit it. This is like "Yadati Es Mach'ovav" (Shemos 3:7).


Malbim: Verse 9 explains this - "He'emadta va'Merchav Raglai." When Sha'ul and his men surrounded me, and there was no place to escape because the mountain closed him in, a messenger told Sha'ul [to tell him that Pelishtim attacked, so he went away].

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