
When does David deposit his Ru'ach with Hashem?


Rashi: Constantly, for You redeemed me from affliction.


Radak: Now, when they are ambushing me. I know that You will save me from them! "Padisa" is past in place of future.


Malbim: Initially I deposited all I have in the hands of Anshei Ke'ilah. My trust in them was false. They wanted to hand me over [to Sha'ul], for they are not truthful. My Ru'ach I deposit in Your hand, and not in theirs, for You redeemed me from my pursuers; you are Kel Emes!


Why did he say "Hashem Kel Emes"?


Radak: You are Kel, i.e. strong. You have ability to redeem (save) me. Emes - You will fulfill Your word that I will reign.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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