
What do we learn from "Yafeh Asisiv"?


Radak: This teaches that his grandeur was from Hashem, unlike he said "b'Cho'ach Yadi Asisi" (Yeshayah 10:13).


What is the significance of "Kol Atzei Eden"?


Rashi: This refers to all praised kings.


Malbim: (a) The Daliyos are tall and lifted and seen from afar. The trees of Eden saw them and were jealous of its great level. (b) It is as if all trees of Eden and earlier Neshamos were aroused to envy his kingship. Also those close to Hashem strove with prayer and supplication to make this cedar, which is improperly haughty, fall. It is outside of Eden, and it roots and foliage are in a place of Tum'ah. I.e. the Avos and Tzadikim prayed about him, and the supreme officers stood against him, until Hashem heeded, and his time [to fall] came.

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