
Who found grace in the Midbar?


Rashi: The generation of the Midbar found grace in Hashem's eyes.


Malbim: Midbar is a metaphor for exile - "v'Heveisi Eschem El Midbar ha'Amim" (Yechezkel 20:35), "v'Holachtiha ha'Midbar" (Hoshe'a 2:16).


Why are they called "Seridei Charev"?


Rashi: They survived the sword of Egypt, Amalek and Kena'an.


Radak: The Egyptians sought deceptive ways to kill them and eradicate them.


Malbim: It is those who survived the killings and [attempts of] eradication - in the end they will find grace [in the eyes of their captors] in the Midbar (exile), and it will be lighter.


What is the meaning of "Haloch Lehargi'o Yisrael"?


Rashi: It is when they went to inherit their restful land.


Radak: I led them in the Midbar for 40 years and financed them with manna, without exertion.


Malbim: Hashem will go to them to give to them rest in the Midbar (exile).


How is this connected to what came above?


Radak: The end of Perek 30 discusses the [final] redemption. This nation already found grace in My eyes earlier, when I took them out of Galus Mitzrayim.


Malbim: The end of Perek 30 teaches that in the future Hashem will arouse being their G-d whether or not they are proper for it. Here it explains how. This parallels "Zacharti Lach Chesed Ne'urayich Lechtech Acharai ba'Midbar" (2:2) - Yisrael initiated Chesed to Hashem through recognizing His Elokus before they received good from Him 1 . Afterwards was the Bris of Kelulos (when we were His betrothed), and Hashem did good and wonders for them. They trusted in Him, and followed Him in the Midbar, and He bestowed on them. However, here the arousal begins from above.


Malbim explains that Lechtech Acharai ba'Midbar explains only Ahavas Kelulosayich; it was after Hashem brought Makos on Egypt and spared Yisrael. However, Chesed Ne'urayich was recognizing His Elokus, before they received good from Him. (PF)

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