
How did David refute their claim?


Malbim: Had we saved due to our strength, you would be correct. However, we did nothing - Hashem fought, defeated, saved and gave to us!


Why did he mention giving, guarding and conquering the troop, in this order?


Malbim: Initially He gave to us the property. He guarded us that the plunderers not consume it, and He handed over the troop to us. Since Hashem did everything due to merit, we should say oppositely - those who did not chase had Bitachon in Hashem to save without pursuing. 1 This is a greater merit than those who chased! They did not despair, like you said - they trusted in Hashem!


If they had Bitachon, why did they go until Nachal Besor? It seems that also Malbim explained that they stayed there due to fatigue! Perhaps David deviated from the truth for the sake of Shalom. (PF)

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