
When was this Nevu'ah?


Malbim: It seems that this is the completion of the Nevu'ah in the 10th year. Then he had Nevu'os of all the destructions of Egypt. The Nevu'ah of the 27th year was put next to it, to inform their final fall. Later, the rest of the Nevu'ah of the one on top of the other year was arranged [in the Sefer]. Afterwards are the Nevu'os of the 11th and 12th years! It arranges their fall in greater detail and in a different style. A Nevu'ah repeated a second and third time must come 1 .


Even though normally, a Nevu'ah for evil need not be fulfilled if people will repent. (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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