
Why does it say that Hashem will give to you sparse bread and water?


Sotah 49a #1: If a Chacham engages in Torah amidst financial hardship, his prayer is heard - "they will not cry; Hashem will be gracious to the sound of your scream; as soon as He hears, He will answer you


Who (or what) is "Morecha"?


Horiyos 12a: It is your Rebbi.


Rashi: It is Hashem, who "teaches you to benefit yourself" (48:17).


Radak #1, Malbim: It is your rain, like "Yoreh u'Malkosh" (Devarim 11:14).


Radak #2: It is Chizkiyah. This is like "v'Lo Shamati v'Kol Morai" (Mishlei 5:13). If the Yud in Morecha denotes plural, it is Chizkiyah and his officers.


What is the meaning of "Lo Yikanef Morecha"?


Rashi: Your teacher will not cover himself in the Kenaf (corner) of His garment. I.e. He will not hide His face from You.


Radak #1: If until now He give to you sparse bread and water, it will not be so further, for Lo Yikanef (he will not gather in and hold back) your rain.


Radak #2: Your rain will not be distant 1 in corners of the land. It will be close; you will always see it.


Radak #3: Chizkiyah will not send messengers to the corners of the land like Achaz did; Achaz sent to Melech Ashur to help him against Retzin and Pekach. Chizkiyah trusted in Hashem, and did not need human help.


Malbim: Your rain will not fly away (flee from your land). It will come in its time, and Brachah will return to the land.


We corrected Radak's text like Kli Paz cites him; it says Yirchak in place of Yerachef. (PF)


What do we learn from "v'Hayu Einecha Ro'os Es Morecha"?


Refer to 30:20:3:1, 3.


Horiyos 12a: When you learn in front of your Rebbi, look at his face 1 .


Radak: Your eyes will always see [your teacher Chizkiyah] in Yerushalayim (he will not seek help from other nations); he teaches to you the straight path.


Malbim: Here, Morecha is the Navi, who teaches to you the straight path. You will not hide your eyes from him, like above "Amru la'Ro'im Lo Sir'u" (10). Rather, you will look at him to go in his ways.


Rebbi (Eruvin 13b): I am sharper than my colleagues, for I saw the back of R. Meir. Had I seen his face, I would be sharper.

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