
What is the meaning of "Al Sus Nanus"?


Rashi: We will make ties with the kings of Egypt, and bring from there swift horses to flee.


Radak: If the enemy will come, we can flee on horses until the enemy departs, and then return to our land.


Malbim: Hashem offered salvation via serenity (14); you said, no. Rather, we will flee on horses. Therefore, you went to Egypt for horses and cavalry!


What is the meaning of "v'Al Kal Nirkav"?


Radak: We will ride on a horse or fast camel.


Malbim: Hashem offered that you can defeat the enemy via trust in Him (14); you said, no. Rather, we will chase on fast [animals].


Why does it say "Al Ken Yikalu Rodefechun"?


Radak: It will be like your words, but not like you thought, that you will flee and be saved. You will flee on fast animals, but your pursuers will be faster than you, and catch you.


Malbim: You said, we will chase the enemy on fast [animals]. Just the contrary, your pursuers will be fast!

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