
What breakage is this?


Radak: Hashem will break the wall that you intended to ascend on it [to be protected].


What is "Nevel Yotzerim"?


Rashi: It is an earthenware flask. Radak - earthenware is called Yotzer. One breaks it without mercy; he does not intend to save a [shard proper for a] poker to stoke fire or draw water. Rather, he shatters it into tiny pieces [Malbim - in order to make another Kli Cheres from it 1 . This is a metaphor - the tall wall built on a rickety foundation that is Oshek v'Naloz, it must fall soon, and shatter until the pieces are fine like earth.]


Shabbos 16a: Chachamim decreed Tum'ah of glass Kelim to be like that of metal Kelim, but not like earthenware, because glass can be fixed if it is broken. This implies that earthenware cannot be fixed! I do not understand the Malbim. (PF)


Why does it say "Lo Yimatzei"?


Rashi: In its crushed shards, he will not find one proper to stoke a fire and draw fire (something aflame) from the bonfire.


What is "Lachtos"?


Rashi: 'Chatiyah' applies to drawing fire.


Radak: It is like Lakachas (to take). The same applies to "ha'Yichteh Ish Esh b'Cheiko" (Mishlei 6:27).


What is "Yekod"?


Radak: It is where fire is kindled.


What is the meaning of "Lachsof Mayim"?


Rashi: It is drawing water. The same applies to "Lachsof Chamishim Purah 1 " (Chagai 2:16) and "Chesfi Shovel" (below, 47:2). Draw water from your path. Malbim - this is a smaller Shi'ur than what is needed to take fire 2 .


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Lemidlach (to sully) water.


Radak: It says here "Lachsof", for when he takes a little water from it, it is left Chasuf and exposed. Also there, he takes all the wine, and nothing remains in the winepress.


Shabbos 82a: R. Yosi learns from here that a shard that holds a Revi'is can receive Tum'ah. This is less than the Shi'ur to stoke a fire.


What is "Geve"?


Rashi: It is a pit of water.


Radak: It is a place where a small amount of water gathers. This is like "bi'Tzosav u'Gva'av" (Yechezkel 47:11). One cannot take water from it with a [big] Kli, only with a shard, so he can support the walls of the shard on the ground of the Geve.

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