
What is Aliyas ha'Mekerah?


Rashi, from Targum Yonasan: It was the upper story of a summer house, for air and to cool off 1 . Radak - it had many windows.


Radak: Mekerah is a noun, like Machtah. There would be a Dagesh (dot) in the third letter, if not that it is a Reish (which does not receive a Dagesh). It is based on Kar (cold).


Why did he say "I have Hashem's word for you"?


Rashi: You must stand to hear it.


Did Eglon get reward for standing to hear Hashem's word?


Rashi (from Tanchuma Vayechi 14): Due to this, he merited that Rus come from him. Radak - she was his daughter (Sanhedrin 105b 1 ), and the mother of kingship (Bava Basra 91b).


In Nazir (23b), the text says 'Bas Beno'. Tosfos says that also this is not precise, for Yevamos 48b holds that Rus was young when she converted (and in Rus 4:12 she is called "Na'arah" - PF), and there are more than 200 years from Eglon until Avztan, who was Bo'az (Bava Basra 91a).

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