Why did he say "Im Al ha'Melech Tov"?
Vilna Gaon: I want to do so only if the king desires. I merely counsel.
What is the meaning of "Yikasev Le'abedam"?
Rashi: Write letters to send to the officers of the Medinos to destroy them.
Malbim: Le'abedam implies to destroy the form of the nation - to nullify their creed and force them to guard the creeds of other nations. Or, it is other ways to make them cease their laws and etiquette. Achashverosh did not intend for killing people.
What is the significance of the 10,000 talents of silver to destroy them)
Torah Temimah citing Megilah 13b: Hashem knew that Haman would offer Shekalim to destroy Yisrael, therefore He commanded that we give Shekalim first (to redeem ourselves). On the first of Adar we announce about Shekalim?
Vilna Gaon: He offered this in place of the tax that the king would have received from them.
Malbim: Do not think that it will be expensive to hire appointees to force them to change their conduct. People will be so happy to do this, that they will pay this amount to the royal treasury!
Why does it say "Eshkol"?
Vilna Gaon: The Kikar is a weight. I will weigh to give this weight of silver.
Who are "Osei ha'Melachah"?
Vilna Gaon: They make coins.