
What is the significance of "Pachad va'Fachas"?


Rashi: When we fled amidst fear, we fell into Pachas (a pit 1 ). Ibn Ezra - when the Nefesh fears, and a pit is in front of the body, immediately it falls. Comes Sho'as (destruction of) ha'Nefesh, and the body breaks in the pit.


Rid: The affliction of Galus is a pit.


What was to us "Pachad va'Fachas"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: This matter 1 was for us "Pachad va'Fachas", "Sheis v'Shever."


Palgei Mayim: What You previously raised us to a height, and the breakage was a fall from a great height to a low pit. Even though Sheis has a Shin, we can expound it like an expression of Hasa'ah and Hasasah (enticement). Wealth entices a person to a bad path.


Magihah (in Toras Chayim): Making us "Schi u'Ma'os" (45).


What is "ha'Sheis"?


Rashi: It is an expression of She'iyah (desolation). Ri Kara - it is like "Ad Asher Im Sha'u Arim me'Ein Yoshev" (Yeshayah 6:11) and "Yom Sho'ah u'Meshu'ah" (Tzefanyah 1:15).


Ibn Ezra: This is like ha'Sho'ah (destruction). It was proper for the Aleph to be heard (have a vowel under it).

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