
Why does it say "Nachnu"? (It is not needed, for the conjugation proves that the subject is 'we", like in verses 40-41!)


Rav Sadya Gaon: We will say "Nachnu


Why is "Nachnu" written without an Aleph?


Ibn Ezra: This is the primary form of the word. When it says Anachnu, the Aleph is an addition.


Palgei Mayim: The Aleph is omitted, for when we were called Nachnu - Hashem, the Aleph, was not with us - therefore we sinned.


What is the connection between "Nachnu Pashanu u'Marinu" and "Atah Lo Salachta"?


Rashi (from Eichah Rabah 3:14): We normally sin via the Yetzer ha'Ra. It was proper for You to pardon, for You normally do so! Ri Kara - surely we sin, "Ki Adam Ein [Tzadik ba'Aretz Asher Ya'aseh Tov v'Lo] Yecheta" (Koheles 7:20). You should have pardoned, for You are called 'Marbeh Lislo'ach' - "v'El Elokeinu Ki Yarbeh Lislo'ach" (Yeshayah 55:7). However, we sinned so much that You did not pardon - "v'Lo Avah Hashem Lislo'ach" (Melachim II, 24:4).


Ibn Ezra: Yisrael admit that they did not repent, therefore Hashem did not pardon.

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