
What do we learn from "Nachpesah Derachenu v'Nachkorah v'Nashuvah Ad Hashem"?


Brachos 5a: If afflictions come upon a person, he should inspect his deeds 1 . If he inspected his deeds and did not find sin, he should attribute the afflictions to Bitul Torah -- "Ashrei ha'Gever Asher Teyasrenu Kah umi'Torascha Selamdenu." If he cannot find any Bitul Torah, they are afflictions of love - "Ki Es Asher Ye'ehav Hashem Yochi'ach."


Mesilas Yesharim (Perek 3): One should constantly contemplate with his Sechel, at fixed times for introspection, what is the true path according to the laws of the Torah, in which man must go.


Ri Kara: He should inspect for which sin they came.


Why does it say both "Nachpesah" and "v'Nachkorah"?


Palgei Mayim: We ourselves "Nachpesah". "Nachkorah" is asking others to inform us of our sins, for 'one does not see his own liability' (Kesuvos 105b). Afterwards, "we will repent to Hashem."

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