
What is the meaning of "Mi Zeh Amar va'Tehi Hashem Lo Tzivah"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: Who said something, and it happened, if Hashem did not decree so?!


Rashi: Do not say that this is not from Hashem; it is chance. Also evil and good are from Him!


Ibn Ezra: Tzivah is decreed, like "Ki Hu Tzivah v'Nivra'u" (Tehilim 148:5).


Rid: Who said that Yisrael will be exiled and receive such punishments? Hashem did not command it - their sins caused it!


Ri Kara: If one will tell you that it was straight in Hashem's eyes "to make crooked [judgment of] man in his quarrel" (36), or "Ledakei Tachas Raglav Kol Asirei Aretz" (34), do not believe him. Hashem did not command so!


Palgei Mayim #1: Do you think that you can find a man that all that he will command will be fulfilled, if Hashem did not command so?! Since all Nebuchadnetzar's decrees were fulfilled, surely it was from Hashem. Therefore, it is proper that we sit alone and wait for Hashem's salvation.


Palgei Mayim #2: Even if sometimes one sees extortion and quarrels in the city or country, he does not attribute it to the king, for the king's eyes cannot see everything. Rather, he stations officers on every city, and the officer is corrupt. The king is not guilty. However, Hashem made the entire world with His words. All the more so the entire world is under His supervision. He sees everything at once. It is as if the verse says 'Hashem, who owns Mishpat and judges - He said and it was!' Our verse is said in astonishment. How can one think that He did not command, and that everything was not based on His command?!

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