
Why will you not be ashamed of all your deeds?


Rashi: You were already stricken, and your sin was appeased.


Radak: All the deeds that you will do will be straight and with Emunah - unlike nowadays, that you must be embarrassed due to your evil deeds.


Malbim: You will not return to sin and be ashamed again. Beforehand, their sins were due to learning from the neighboring nations around them. In the future, all the nations will call in the name of Hashem and serve Him, it is impossible that Yisrael will sin - "Ki Boshes Alumayich Tishkachi; ... v'Go'alech Kedosh Yisrael Elokei Kol ha'Aretz Yikarei" (Yeshayah 54:3-4).


What do we learn from "Asher Pashat Bi"?


Radak: You sinned against Me now, but then you will not [sin, and not] be ashamed.


Who are "Alizei Ga'avasech"?


Radak: The proud, who rejoice in speaking haughtily. I will remove them - "u'Tzraftim ki'Tzrof Es ha'Kesef u'Vchantim ki'Vchon Es ha'Zahav" (Zecharyah 13:9).


Malbim: They are those who pride themselves [and rely] on their strength, horses, chariots, silver and gold. You will no longer make Brisim with [powerful] nations to seek their help, which led to learning from their deeds.


What is the grammatical form of "Legahah"?


Radak: It is Makor (infinitive).

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