
What is the meaning of "ha'Vinharim Charah Hashem"?


Rashi: This is a lasting astonishment. Did you see that He did all of these?! The verse means like the Targum (against kings and their camps numerous like water of the river, Hashem was angry?)


Radak: This refers to splitting the Yarden and Yam Suf. Was it because Hashem as angry at the rivers?


Malbim: This is a wondrous metaphor. On the one hand, Hashem dries seas and rivers, so the redeemed people can cross (8-9). On the other hand, where Yishmaelim live, rivers will rise and cover mountains, and everything will be flooded (10).


Why does it add "Im ba'Neharim Apecha Im ba'Yam Evrasecha"?


Radak: The matter is repeated to strengthen it. The miracles are mentioned out of order.


Malbim: Here it says that that Hashem cleaves rivers, as if He was angry at them, therefore He dries them.


What is the significance of "Ki Sirkav Al Susecha"?


Radak: This refers to Pharaoh's horses ? "Sus v'Rochevo Ramah va'Yam" (Shemos 15:1).


What do we learn from "Markevosecha Yeshu'ah"?


Rashi: Your chariots were salvation for us. Radak ? this is a Mashal. Horses are prepared for war, and usually those who ride on them win, if Hashem's hand is not against them ? "Sheker ha'Sus li'Sshu'ah" (Tehilim 33:17), "Sus Muchan l'Yom Milchamah vela'Shem ha'Teshu'ah" (Mishlei 21:31).


Malbim: The verse personifies salvation; it rides on Hashem's horses and chariots and comes quickly to save Yisrael.

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