
What do we learn from "Sham Tochelech Esh"?


Radak: The enemy will consume your fortresses. Malbim - this will happen while you are trampling mud to strengthen your fortresses!


What is the comparison "Tochelech ka'Yelek"?


Radak: Just like locusts eat the grain until it is finished.


What is the comparison "Hiskaved k'Yelek"?


Rashi #1: Destruction with a broom locusts finish off all vegetation of the field.


Rashi #2: You will be covered with troops like locusts. Hiskaved is like "Am Kaved" (Bamidbar 20:20).


Radak: This is sweeping, like 'we are Mechabed between the beds' (Beitzah 2:7), Machbedos of a palm tree (Shabbos 124b). Yelek and Arbeh sweep the field [clean] of grain.


Malbim: Yelek is a kind of locust that comes out as a worm, and becomes wrapped in a covering. It stays there for a fixed time, and afterwards leaves with wings. The multitudes of merchants and nations found in Ninveh are like a Yelek that is still a worm that creeps on the ground. After Ninveh was captured, they left the covering and became a flying locust. You, Ninveh, hoped Lehiskaved k'Yelek (that the merchants will remain in you), but Hiskavdi k'Arbeh (they will fly away soon).


Why does it add "Hiskavdi ka'Arbeh"?


Radak: Hiskaved is Makor (like a gerund); Hiskavdi is a command, to Ninveh. What will it help if you increased Am Kaved (a numerous nation) - they will not help or save!


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They will cover you like Yelek, and Yachselonayich 1 like locusts.


Rashi (Devarim 28:38): A species of locusts is called Chasil, for it eradicates everything.

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